
Planning a trip to one of the most popular countries this year? You should make all your arrangements in advance – from packing your suitcase, researching the area you’re going to see, and setting up travel plans. Here are some dos and don’ts for when you are ready to pack – no more stress-filled vacation!

What are the Dos and Don’ts for Packing?

When packing for your vacation, paying attention to what not to bring is important. Here are some travellers’ dos and don’ts for packing for a vacation:


  • Remember essential medicines, vitamins, and sunscreen. Bring along any medications you may need, even if you think they are unnecessary. Include any over-the-counter medications that you use regularly. Please list everything you need and take it with you on the trip.
  • Pack properly. Wear clothes that can get wet and sandy in the sun; pack appropriate shoes; and bring an extra set of clothing just in case something happens to your main outfit. Be sure to pack your essentials such as money, passport, liaison number, driver’s license etc., including extra copies if needed.
  • Bring snacks and water! These items are easily forgotten when packing for a trip but are very important in keeping your energy up while travelling and preventing dehydration problems. Eat healthy foods instead of gorging on junk when packing for your trip – this will help conserve food and ensure that you’re taking adequate nutrition while away from home.
  • Essentially anything that needs electricity or air conditioning can be difficult to pack properly if not done ahead of time, so consult an electrician or air conditioning specialist before the departure date to be safe. Bring along adaptors wherever possible, as many places have specific plug types.


  • Pack too much. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make when packing for a trip. Limit yourself to carrying only the essentials and leave the rest at home. If something is not essential, you may be able to get by without it.
  • Forget to bring sunscreen and hats! Sun exposure can quickly damage your skin and scalp, so bring along plenty of sunscreen and hats for both day and night.
  • Pack too lightly. If you pack too lightly, you may struggle with bulky luggage on your way to your destination. Pack enough clothes and supplies so you won’t need to worry about running out of things while you’re away from home.

Types of Gear to Bring

When travelling, it is always important to pack light and efficiently. Here are some packing tips for travellers:

  • Bring a comfortable backpack that fits everything you need while being small enough to carry on your shoulder.
  • Bring a travel-sized toiletry kit with shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Bring a pair of sunglasses, sunscreen, hats and rain gear if you are in a warm climate.
  • Pack lightly inessential items like hand sanitiser, phone chargers and snacks.
  • Opt for clothing made from natural fabrics instead of synthetic materials.
  • Pack medication in tamper proof containers and schedule an appointment time in advance to fill any prescriptions you might need while travelling.

Tips For Getting Through Security

  • Always keep a copy of your passport and visa safe in case something happens to your original documents.
  • Pack as lightly as possible – not only will packing lighter make travelling easier, but it will also keep you from overspending on unnecessary items while away from home.
  • Scan important documents before packing them to avoid potential miscommunications or lost baggage if the originals are misplaced or stolen along the way.
  • Make sure all electronic devices are fully charged and stored safely out of the reach of children – batteries can easily explode if mishandled, causing serious injury or even death.
  • Follow any specific security instructions that may be given when travelling to new destinations – be familiar with common scams, such as benign-looking phone calls that contain malicious software instructions, pre-checked luggage tags that automatically send your possessions to the thieves upon arrival at your destination, or even simply asking for directions too many times can result in someone claiming that you are up to no good and should be escorted off the property or airport grounds altogether!



Packing for a vacation can be difficult for someone who is always on the go. But with a little knowledge and preparation, you can breeze through the process and have an amazing time. Here are some travellers’ dos and don’ts for packing for a trip:

Do pack light. This will make it easier to move around and get things done while on your trip.

Remember that every destination has its customs and what may be acceptable in San Francisco may not fly in Rome or Bangkok. Be prepared to adjust your packing accordingly.

Do think about what activities you’ll want to do during your trip – travelling alone? With friends? On a Budget? – and pack accordingly.

Remember essential travel gear like sunscreen, maps, insect repellent, snacks and drinks, headphones/audiobooks/movies/tv shows etc., and adapters if necessary!